Friday, 7 August 2015

Day 15

You may have noticed that I have a super domestique, husband Steve, who is unquestioningly looking after all my needs.  So far I have behaved like a cycling diva, and have got away with it.  However, things may change tomorrow.  The reason: the football season starts.
Those who know Steve will agree that saying that Steve is a Sunderland fan is an understatement.  He has a brick from Roker Park; is that enough proof?  He is deeply emotionally involved.  Steve's state of mind over the football season is dependent on how well or badly Sunderland perform.  If they're playing badly he's nervous, depressed and worried.  If they play well he is ecstatic.  I've always said, I wish I could make Steve as happy as Sunderland do.  Will being a World Record Holder be enough?
I support Carlisle United, and expect nothing from them.
Today has been a really good day.  After the mechanical issues yesterday my bike is running well, and Steve's bike now has my fixed gear/brake lever.  The weather today has been the best so far.  This is what I optimistically expected for the whole month.  No rain, quite a lot of sun, and low windspeed.  It was only 8C temperature when I set off though!  It was good listening to the cricket on the radio.
In the afternoon I was looked after very well by my other super domestique, Andy, who rode with me.
Thanks to my log book signers Alyssa in Goostrey News, Paul in Rick Green Cycles, and Andy.
135 miles today. 2014 miles done and 1111 more miles needed to set the record. I'm now half way through my month long attempt.
I'm panicking now that I don't have time to sort out my fantasy football team.

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1 comment:

  1. Another great blog Janet! .... Sorry Steve but I think Janet's record attempt will be doing much better than Sunderland will this season!
