Thankfully another unremarkable day.
I was worried at the start of the day because of my sore ankle and sore bottom, but strangely I felt very comfortable on my bike today. Maybe my brain is ignoring all pain and discomfort signals.
The weather was cloudy and sunny, a bit windier than yesterday, and pleasantly warm. Nothing to complain about.
We saw 3 stoats! Sadly one was roadkill. Or were they weasels? Anyway, it was quite surprising to see them.
One of the rules for my attempt is that I can't slipstream. This means that my amigos who cycle with me must be either by my side, or behind me. I'm cycling quite slowly, and there are many times when I'm battling away at the front, and I can hear my friend behind me freewheeling. Demoralising or what! Just thought I'd share that with you.
One of the other rules is that I have to find witnesses during each day's ride, who sign my log book to confirm that I have cycled at a date, time and location. I thought that this would be quite difficult, but it is very uplifting that strangers have always been very happy to help. Sunday is difficult because few places are open, so big thanks to Dawn in the OneStop shop in Helsby, and Ben in the Market Tavern in Sandbach.
Overall I cycled 135 miles today making a total so far of 2,294. 831 left for the record. I am getting there. Just hope my ankle holds up for the remainder of the challenge.
There's stuff that you notice when you cycle around. Here's a front garden which I think is far too organised.
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